Scripture Inspiration

Teach a child in the way.

..they should go! How I’d do a better job with what I know today.

Well, I do know God has the world under His control and the order and timing of many things have been written, and His timing is perfect. And that His Word will not return void. So keeping this in mind in my life, I know now I would say greater things to my children when they were growing up, knowing what I’ve learned on my journey from His Word and about life I didn’t know then.

I’m not who I want to be, but I’m not who I once was. That’s because the Lord’s handiworks are working in me. (Phil1:6) and I will trust in Him.

Thinking about when I started as a young Mother, if I were to do it over, with my 3 children who are all grown now, I’d tell them even greater things that I know in truth, grace, true peace, the gift of God, and love for the Living God of the Bible, creator, Lord over all, the All-Knowing, and King of kings. Because the greatest commandment is to Love thy Lord thy God. (Matt22:37-40).

And as God’s timing is His timing and order for all things, it may have had to be this way for me, raising my kids first. Back then I think I didn’t need anything else, I was living a comfy life and all that distracting kinda stuff, I was really busy Mom though.

I can say this, as I often do, the Lord is great and greatly to be praised!

And here’s what I’d say to teach your kids: about God of the Bible, the creator of all things, He Lord over all!

We each have a duty to our children, that God has dearly entrusted us to be their parents and protector, guide and comfort, encourager and lead by giving hope for their lives. They are not ours they don’t belong to us, we have them for an earthly experience and we all must come to the knowledge of His truth and believe in Him. John 3:16 KJV ~For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Teach your kids to love others, no matter what, to discern and think for themselves, to climb trees, to forgive quickly, respond slowly and to have a listening ear. To desire and seek righteousness and desire a pure heart. That having faith is important to God, and to desire what the Will of the Lord is, teach your kids that. Teach them wisdom comes from God, and we can learn by reading the Word! That life from beginning to end is sacred and no one else ought to tell them how what is good for them, their body, their wellness, or their minds. That the conscience comes from God, and the Lord is Lord over the conscience and it behaves as a moral compass. There is more to it than this of course. That they are made in the image of God (Gen1:27).

Teach them where the truth is found, in the one true Living God and His Word. No other name has the power to save, the Cornerstone, Christ the Rock. + Acts 4:12 KJV ~Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Teach them that they have a Godly purpose and that the world has a purpose for them, this can become a battle if we are not prepared or realize the oppositions we will face in life or why. Being rooted and grounded in the truth, faith in Jesus, having testimony, the blood of the lamb, and putting on the armour of God is the way to overcome! (Eph6:10-18, Rev 12:11, John 17:17, Rom12:2).

My youngest of three was the tree climber, it was her expression and her thing to want to always climb, I always allowed it and thought it was unique for a girl. She discovered it herself. Even on her 17th we went for a walk in a remembered park and she wanted to climb. (photos from 2020 and 2014)

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